Session 2 – The Fruit of the Spirit is Love
1. Read Chapter 2 of the book Absolute Surrender.
2. Take time to watch the Revival Hymn –
Session Outline
Ice Breaker Questions/Introduction (Optional):
A. Who was the first person or thing you said, “I love you” to and why?
B. What does the word “love” mean to you? What thoughts, feelings come to your mind when you hear the word?
Worship/Prayer: Some groups may want to incorporate a time of worship, other groups may choose to simply begin in prayer.
Bible Reading (Take time to read the Bible aloud): John 13:1-35
Video Clip (Optional) (Recommended to view prior to going through the discussion questions)
Discussion Questions
(We believe that this session addresses a topic that is so important and so often neglected that we have included some extra discussion questions and action points for this session. We understand that you may not have time to get to all these questions in a single meeting but we would highly encourage you to take the time to really go through as many of the questions and action points as possible in order to get the full benefit of this session.)
1. Why do you think that the author states, “What we need, above everything else, is to say: “I must have the Holy Spirit sanctifying (purifying) my whole inner life if I am really to live for God’s glory”?
2. “The fruit of the Spirit is love.” (Gal. 5:22) “Love is the fulfilling of the law” (Romans 13: 10) The author states, “This word (love) may be a searchlight in our hearts, and give us a test by which to try all our thoughts about the Holy Spirit and all our experience of the holy life. Let us try ourselves by this word. Has this been our daily habit, to seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of love?” What is your answer to this question?
3. When speaking on the need for being filled with God’s type of love the author states, “Oh, if this were true in the Church of Christ, how different her state would be!” and then later, “One of the great causes why God cannot bless His Church is the lack of love. When the body is divided, there cannot be strength…It is only when God’s people stand as one body, one before God in the fellowship of love, one toward another in deep affection, one before the world in a love that the world can see. It is only then that they will have power to secure the blessing which they ask of God… through the ages, the very dearest truths of God have become mountains that have separated us. ” Why do you think he made these statements?
4. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (1 John 4:8) How should coming to know that “God is love” change our lives?
5. Scripture reminds us that the fruit of the Spirit is love (Gal. 5:22). Also, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. (John 13:34). What does God’s love look like versus human love? How do you know when you are displaying the love of God to others?
6. The author states, “One of the worst things sin did for man was to make him selfish, for selfishness cannot love.” Why can selfishness not love?
7. The author states, “Temper is a proof whether the love of Christ is filling the heart or not. How many there are who find it easier in church, or in prayer meeting, or in work for the Lord — diligent, earnest work — to be holy and happy than in the daily life with wife and children. How many find it easier to be holy and happy outside the home than in it! Where is the love of God?” Do you struggle with a bad temper, frustrations, anger or even rage? If so, why do you think this is happening? What is God’s solution?
8. Have you ever had this experience that the author mentions: “A great many of us try hard at times to love. We try to force ourselves to love… But the end of it is always very sad. “I fail continually,” many must confess.”? Do you believe the reason for our failure to love is what the author suggests here: “The reason is simply this — they have never learned to believe and accept the truth that the Holy Spirit can pour God’s love into their heart.” How can we begin to allow the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with a deeper and deeper measure of God’s Great Love?
9. “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35 Why do you believe Jesus said that our love for one another is the way “all men will know” that we are His disciples? If love is the most important thing in what it means to know God and to interact with others as a representative of Jesus Christ, why do you think so many who claim Jesus have missed the mark in this critical area?
10. Do you think your love for God and your love others affects your prayer life? Is there an even deeper place to go in intercession for others? If so, what might that look like?
Action Points
A. Pray for God’s Spirit to fill you with His Love
To be an effective witness for Jesus too often we think it is about using the right words, or knowing enough theological concepts, when in fact the most effective witness for Jesus Christ is our love for God and our love for others.
The author states, “Give yourselves up to love, and the Holy Spirit will come; receive the Spirit, and He will teach you to love more.” For this action point we want to begin to take time each day to ask the Holy Spirit: “Holy Spirit, fill me with Your Love for me. Holy Spirit, fill me with Your love and compassion for everyone.” Then begin to thank God for doing this very thing. Thank Him in advance. You are not looking for emotions of love. This is not about emotions but the truth of God’s Word. We know that it is God’s will for us to be filled with His love. Jesus Himself stated that it is by our love for one another that all men will know we are His. Therefore we can be absolutely certain when we ask Him for a greater revelation of His love for us and others that He will answer this prayer. (You may consider writing this prayer request down and putting it somewhere you will see it regularly). Pray until you begin to see the Holy Spirit radically filling you with His love for the Father and for others.
B. Importance of our manner of Speech
“Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29
Our words are an indication of the state of our heart. If our words are not uplifting and loving then the root of this issue is a heart that has failed to grasp God’s love for us and/or God’s love for others. The author states, “Then there is the tongue! We sometimes speak of the tongue when we talk of the better life, and the restful life, but just think what liberty many Christians give to their tongues. They say, “I have a right to think what I like.” When they speak about each other, when they speak about their neighbors, when they speak about other Christians, how often there are sharp remarks! God keep me from saying anything that would be unloving. God shut my mouth if I am not to speak in tender love.” Once again, this is not about us trying in our religious flesh to overcome speaking unloving words. This is about allowing the Holy Spirit to so cleanse and fill our hearts and minds that our words are only those that lift up and not tear down. Let us consciously seek to allow the Holy Spirit to be the One who speaks in and through us this upcoming week. Notice the difference that comes to our speech when the Holy Spirit is allowed to control our lips and tongue for His Glory.
C. Loving the unlovely
Do you have anyone in your life – past or present – that you find it difficult to love? Listen to what the author tells us about this, “Oh, friend, you have not learned the lesson that Christ wanted to teach above everything. Let a man/woman be what they will, you are to love them. Love is to be the fruit of the Spirit all the day and every day. Yes, listen! If you don’t love that unlovable man/woman whom you have seen, how can you love God whom you have not seen? You can deceive yourself with beautiful thoughts about loving God. You must prove your love to God by your love to your brother/sister; that is the one standard by which God will judge your love to Him.”
It is not that God expects us in all our human energy to attempt to love that person. He is expecting us to trust Him to love them through us. That is completely different. God Himself is able to love them, have compassion on them, and desire the best for them. Will you allow Him to do that in and through you?
Some initial steps we can take to love those we naturally have difficulties with:
– Choose to forgive them for any way that you believe they have sinned against you. (Forgiveness is a choice and not a feeling. We can choose to forgive someone even if we do not feel like we want to.)
– Choose to pray God’s blessings for them. Pray and believe for God’s best in their lives.
– Ask God’s Spirit to fill you with His love for them. Ask God’s Spirit to literally love them through you.
Prayer Focus:
Prayer for an Infilling of God’s Love:
“Lord Jesus, You called me to love as you loved. Change my heart. I cannot make myself love as you love in my own efforts. I am desperate for the power of your Holy Spirit. Teach me what it means to trust You to love others through me. Let love from heaven flow down into my heart. I am giving up my life to pray and live as one who has given themselves up for Your everlasting love to indwell and flow through. Pour fresh love into me every moment of every day.”
Prayer for the Body of Christ:
The state of love in Christ’s Church is indescribably low. Plead for God’s people that He would visit them, plead for each other, plead for all believers who are trying to work for God that they would be filled with His love.
(Continue to pray as God’s Spirit leads you to.)
Homework Assignment for the next week:
Read chapter 3 in Absolute Surrender “Separated Unto the Holy Spirit”
Link to next session: Chapter 3 – “Separated Unto the Holy Spirit”
Link to Course Overview: