Session 3 – Separated Unto the Holy Spirit
Read Chapter 3 of the book Absolute Surrender.
Session Outline
Ice Breaker Questions/Introduction (Optional):
- When you hear the phrase “set apart” what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Worship/Prayer: Some groups may want to incorporate a time of worship, other groups may choose to simply begin in prayer.
Bible Reading (Take time to read the Bible aloud): Acts 13:1-4
Video Clip (Optional) (Recommended to view prior to going through the discussion questions)
(Link to video:
Discussion Questions
1. Based on Acts 13:1-4 what is the number one prerequisite for accomplishing anything in the Kingdom of God?
2. God has a plan for His church, collectively as well as individually, why is it important for us to work in harmony with Him?
3. Why is it dangerous to begin a work that God has called us to in the Spirit and attempt to finish it in our own strength? (What are the results of us going ahead of God?)
4. When God calls us to be set apart for His work, whose responsibility is it to bring the work to fruition?
5. Do you believe that this statement is true, “When our hearts are fully surrendered to God, He reveals His will to us.” (Why or why not?)
6. Why is it vitally important to seek God in fresh prayer and fasting? (What are some of the benefits of fasting and praying when wanting to know the will of God in a situation?)
7. If it is true that waiting on God is our highest and most important work what does this mean for our daily lifestyle?
Action Points
During the next few days, before you move into the next session, set aside some time to seek God in fasting and prayer. (Fasting is typically abstaining from food for the purpose of seeking God. For an excellent article on Fasting and Prayer click on this link. If you are physically unable to abstain from food, ask God what He would have you abstain from in order to spend more time seeking Him.)
When you take this extended time with God, seek to avoid doing all the talking but develop a hearing ear so that you can hear His will for you, and the sphere of influence that He has entrusted to you.
Prayer Focus:
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the power of His grace to live a holy life, not just for ministry but because He is worthy of a surrendered life.
“Father I thank you that You do the work of setting me apart for Your will and Your purposes. I give myself to You in a fresh way in this moment and I ask that You would meet with me.” (Take time to just be before God and honestly share your heart with Him.)
Homework Assignment for the next week:
Read chapter 4 in Absolute Surrender “Peter’s Repentance”
Link to next session: Chapter 4 – “Peter’s Repentance”
Link to Course Overview: