Session 4 – Peter’s Repentance
Preparation: Read Chapter 4 of the book Absolute Surrender.
Session Outline
Ice Breaker Questions/Introduction (Optional):
- Have you ever denied Jesus either in your thoughts, words or actions? If so, how did that make you feel?
Worship/Prayer: Some groups may want to incorporate a time of worship, other groups may choose to simply begin in prayer.
Bible Reading (Take time to read the Bible aloud): Matthew 16:13-28 & Matthew 26:69-74
Video Clip (Optional) (Recommended to view prior to going through the discussion questions)
(Link to Video:
Questions related to the video:
1. What stands out to you from this testimony?
2. How does the Life of Jesus Christ transform someone?
Discussion Questions for Chapter 4:
Synopsis: Andrew Murray described Peter as man whose character was filled with failure. Even though Peter was a man of revelation, (Mathew 16:15-19), a man who obeyed the voice of Christ in setting out in his boat one more time to let down his nets, or to step out of the boat at the command of of Jesus to walk on the water, he still was man stuck in self and governed by the sin nature. We see the evidence of this when Peter rebuked Jesus in Mathew 16:22, or when he denied having anything to do with Christ, let alone knowing Him in Mathew 26:69-74. Just as Peter, we must also acknowledge our frailty and our reliance on self so that in humility and faith we can enter more and more into the Christ-Life.
1. Share the primary thing that stood out to you from the chapter on Peter’s Repentance.
2. Using scripture references in the Gospel’s (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) give examples of Peter’s reliance on self. (Give people some time to look through their Bibles and find at least one example.)
3. Read through the two Epistles of Peter and give examples, using scripture references, of Peter’s way of life after his conversion. (If you don’t have time to read the entire two books, read at least 3-5 chapters and then discuss.)
Action Point
Over the next few days meditate on the fact that our God is no respecter of persons and the work that He did in Peter, He will do in us if we ask Him to. If there is a specific area/s of your life that you want to see Him work in begin to make this a targeted prayer request.
Prayer Focus:
Ask the Holy Spirit to work deeply in your life, removing any obstacles that may be there as they were in Peter’s life, and making you more and more like Jesus. “Father, I thank You that it is more Your will than it is mine that I be conformed into the image and likeness of Your Son Jesus. I choose as an act of my will to trust Your Holy Spirit to work so deeply in me that everything that is not like you is uprooted and removed and replaced with Your will and Your ways.” (Continue to pray as God leads you.)
Homework Assignment for the next week:
Read chapter 5 in Absolute Surrender “Impossible with Man, Possible with God”
Link to next session: Chapter 5 – “Impossible with Man, Possible with God”
Link to Course Overview: