Session 5 – Impossible with Man, Possible with God
Read Chapter 5 of the book Absolute Surrender.
Session Outline
Ice Breaker Question/Introduction (Optional):
* What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “humanly impossible”?
Worship/Prayer: Some groups may want to incorporate a time of worship, other groups may choose to simply begin in prayer.
Bible Reading (Take time to read the Bible aloud): Matthew 17:14-20, Luke 18:18-30
Video Clip (Optional) (Recommended to view prior to going through the discussion questions)
(Link to Video:
Question related to the video:
- What stood out to you in the video clip? (Why do you think this seemed important to you?)
Discussion Questions for Chapter 5
1. What spoke to you the most in the chapter, “Impossible with man, Possible with God”? (Share/discuss)
2. In what ways have you tried to overcome an issue in your life only to have it re-occur later? Did you come to the point where it felt impossible to overcome so you accepted it as part of your life?
3. Was there a point where you were broken and in despair, and then in humility you cried out to God for His help? Did you sense God renewing and energizing you to overcome? If so, how?
4. Has God ever asked you to do something you thought was impossible either because of your timidity, finances, culture, or other situations, but you responded, “Yes Lord, I’ll do it in faith”? (If so, share with the group what that was and the outcome.)
5. What do you think hinders people from letting go of self-effort?
Action Point
Take time to write down situations in your life that you are trying to control and have not fully surrendered to God, and then ask Him to make what is impossible in your human effort possible through His Omnipotent Power.
Prayer Focus:
Lord help me to receive Your fullness that You may live and work in me and through me so that I will live and rest in knowing that You are accomplishing Your will. You are the Christ, the indwelling Savior, deliver me from the hand of the enemy and pour Yourself out in and through me to save others through this emptied vessel. (Continue to pray as God leads you.)
Homework Assignment for the next week:
Read chapter 6 in Absolute Surrender “O Wretched Man That I Am”
Link to next session: Chapter 6 – “O Wretched Man that I Am!”
Link to Course Overview: