Course Overview
Description: The Transformation 101 material is a short 4 session introduction to the concept of Transformation. This material is being offered free of charge and is specifically designed for use among small groups of those who are pursuing a Christ-Like lifestyle. This material can be used in a local congregation or in a wider city-level context. Our heart’s desire is that groups of Christ-followers would agree to take the time to go through these 4 sessions in a weekly small group setting. We hope that by the final session you will prayerfully make a decision to allow God’s Spirit to take you deeper in your relationship with Him so that together with other believers you too can see a move of God’s Spirit in your sphere of influence.
Primary Resources for the Course: The Bible (Reading from the book of Acts). We also highly recommend that you utilize the online video clips for each lesson in your small group. You will want to plan in advance in order to figure out how you can project or display the video clips that correspond to each session.
Important note for Transformation Group Facilitators: If you have not already signed up to register your group please contact us so that we are aware that you are going through the course and can be of assistance to you. (Simply email us at: We have a Facilitators Guide available free of charge to assist you in taking others through the material. (Click here for this PDF download)
Click the links below to view the material for each session:
Session 1 – Introduction to Transformation (Acts 1-7)
Session 2 – The Glory Spreads (Acts 8-14)
Session 3 – Approaching Fire (Acts 15-21)
Session 4 – Decision To Pursue Transformation (Acts 22-28)
This material is part of the CLT training curriculum: