Session 4 – Decision to Pursue Transformation
This is a general outline of how the final Transformation 101 meeting can be structured. We would obviously encourage you to be led by the Holy Spirit on the specifics of how you go through this material.
Introduction: One of the facilitators once again briefly reiterates why the group has been going through these materials. Share your heart for seeing the Transforming Life of Jesus Christ impact your sphere of influence. Share that this is the session in which a decision will be made to commit to continue to pursue a Christ-Like Lifestyle together as a group.
Follow-up previous Homework Assignment: Allow a time of sharing any observations from those who completed the homework assignment of listening to the sermon “Ten Shekels and a Shirt” by Paris Reidhead. Also share anything else that the Lord may be speaking to you in prayer.
Worship/Prayer: Some groups may want to incorporate a time of worship, other groups may choose to simply begin in prayer and then go into playing the opening video clip.
Video: Listen to this first-hand account of the Lewis Revival during the early 1950s. Duncan Campbell was God’s instrument in this extraordinary awakening. In this recording Campbell recounts various testimonies from this three-year movement of the Holy Spirit over the Hebrides Islands. Thousands were converted, conviction overwhelmed villages, outward sin disappeared, and prayer meetings were packed! Your heart will be thrilled as you listen to this testimonies from this heaven-sent revival in Lewis. “Revival in the Hebrides“
(Direct link to the video:
Also watch a short video (5 min.) excerpt from “Let the Sea Resound” (A Transformation testimony from Fiji)
(Direct link to the video:
(Questions related to the video)
1. What spoke to your heart as you watched the videos?
Read aloud from the Bible: Acts chapters 22-28
(If some members of the group are having a hard time reading this much of the Word aloud you may select several people to be the primary readers or utilize an online audio Bible. The point is to fill our hearts and minds with the Word of God.)
Discussion Questions: (Fellowship on the chapters you read)
1. What is the primary thing that stood out to you in what was just read?
2. What did you learn about the character of God in these scriptures?
3. What did you see regarding your own life?
Action Point:
Are there any adjustments that God would have you make in your lifestyle based on what you read?
Corporate Prayer:
Have everyone personally spend time asking God if He would have them commit to co-laboring together in the days ahead for Transformation in your area.
Action Point: Prayerfully make a decision to sign a Declaration of Partnership to see Christ-Like Leaders raised up in your area. (We have a sample document available online that you can use or tweak for use with your group. (Click here to download this sample Commitment Sheet)
Contact us to let us know if your group is planning to continue to move forward in your area. We have further resources that we would like to make available to you. [The next phase in the Christ-Like Leadership Track is the Foundational Equipping: Sign up to receive our Foundation Resources at this link:]
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