Vision 2020
Click here to view our latest update from Panama & Costa Rica
Send a single donation or join us as a Monthly Partner: (Your donation will help us towards our financial goal) (You can send a single donation and/or join us as a monthly partner through our secure partnership with Paypal. To join as a monthly partner, after hitting the donate button simply enter the amount you wish to donate on a monthly basis and click on the box that states “Make this Recurring”):
Contribute through the mail: (Make contributions out to “Disciple Nations International”)
Mailing Address:
Disciple Nations International
P.O. Box 771478
Orlando, FL 32877
We can also set up automatic giving using a credit card outside of Paypal using our secure account with Bank of America. Simply contact our office at: and we will help to get this set up for you. You can contact our office with any donation questions and we will seek to get back to you as soon as possible.
Disciple Nations International is a 501(c)(3) / non-profit corporation. All contributions are income tax deductible and are made with the understanding that Disciple Nations International has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.