Every Person Vision

What is the “Every Person” Vision?
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people…This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:1,3-4
The Challenge:
Today, an estimated 3,200+ people groups remain completely unreached with the Gospel and at present no one is engaging with them to see this change. (A people group is the largest group through which the Gospel can flow without encountering significant barriers of understanding and acceptance.) Among these people groups, 361 of them have a population of over 100,000 people.
In addition to those completely unreached with the Gospel, we are faced with the global reality that many previously Christian nations in Europe and elsewhere are now dealing with the fact that 10% or less of the population are truly choosing to follow Christ. One researcher sought to explain the increase in those claiming to have “no faith” by stating, “The main driver is people who were brought up with some religion now saying they have no religion. What we’re seeing is an acceleration in the numbers of people not only not practicing their faith on a regular basis, but not even ticking the box.”
God’s Vision for “Every Person”
At Disciple Nations International, we believe that our great Creator God has a vision for “all people to be saved”. We believe that He desires EVERY man, woman and child to have an opportunity to see, hear, and respond to the Good News of Jesus (1 Timothy 2:3). Then, as people respond to Jesus, we believe that God desires to see EVERY one of His followers equipped in a Christ-like lifestyle that will cause them to live in personal freedom, and be empowered to live out a lifestyle of effective prayer, evangelism and discipleship wherever they live, work and play (Romans 8:28-29). We believe that these two goals are essential to seeing the Great Commission fulfilled.
By God’s grace, He has entrusted Disciple Nations International with several significant projects aimed at seeking to fulfill His “Every Person” vision. As of the writing of this message, we are in the process of raising the necessary funding to see these projects continue to accelerate. Will you pray about partnering with us?
1. The Global 40 Days of Love: We are partnering with Mission America to take the 40 Days of Love to cities across the U.S. In 2016, 40,000-60,000 people were exposed to Prayer, Care, Share evangelism as the 40 Days of Love campaign spread across the state of Florida. In 2017 and 2018, we witnessed God open the door through Mission America’s network to take this out to cities around the U.S. From New York and Chicago, to Atlanta and southern California, we are starting to see ministries join with us. We have received radio coverage and have produced a 40 Days of Love devotional book that inspires people to believe God to use them to share the good news of Jesus with everyone they come in contact with. There are also multiple nations that have participated with us from the Dominican Republic and Albania to believers joining us from the Middle East.
(Testimonies from the 40 Days of Love – PDF) (Video testimony) (To learn more about the 40 Days of Love click here)
2. Establish and strengthen sustainable networks that unite the Body of Christ around a common vision to give Every Man, Woman and Child repeated opportunities to see, hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Contact us to learn about some of the ministries that we are partnered with.)
3. Christ-Like Lifestyle Training: The focus of the Christ-Like Lifestyle Training is on personal, marriage, family and community transformation through practical application of the Word of God to every area of our lives. We have open doors for this training in many nations across Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America and beyond. Here are several specific opportunities that are available right now:
- Korea: Move forward with a national prayer and evangelism initiative to mobilize thousands to pray for the nation and to be active in their witness for Jesus. Continue with the vision to equip 100,000 Christ-like Multiplying Disciples.
- India: We are helping to raise up indigenous trainers across the nation of India who can take the Christ-Like Lifestyle training to others. God has given us a vision to see one million believers equipped in this lifestyle in India. Over the last several years we have seen thousands of believers trained in this lifestyle.
- Continued translation, printing and distribution of media resources into other languages (Portions of the training are now available in 10+ languages. There is a need for further Spanish language translation, Swahili, Czech, languages in the Balkans etc.)
- We are in the process of putting together an updated online school that will help the Christ-Like Lifestyle Training be made even more accessible through computers/phones around the world.
(Testimony video showing the impact of the Christ-Like Lifestyle Training) (CLT Testimony document) (Learn more by clicking here)
Please consider joining us in reaching Every Person with the Good News of Jesus Christ, and equipping Every Person to follow God with all their heart, soul, strength and mind. Your gift can make an eternal difference today!
Partnering with You for the Fulfillment of the Great Commission,
Chris Vennetti
Co-Founder, Disciple Nations International
Send a single donation or join us as a Monthly Partner: (Your donation will help us towards our financial goal) (You can send a single donation and/or join us as a monthly partner through our secure partnership with Paypal. To join as a monthly partner, after hitting the donate button simply enter the amount you wish to donate on a monthly basis and click on the box that states “Make this Recurring”):

Contribute through the mail: (Make contributions out to “Disciple Nations International”)
Mailing Address:
Disciple Nations International
P.O. Box 771478
Orlando, FL 32877
We can also set up automatic giving using a credit card outside of Paypal using our secure account with Bank of America. Simply contact our office at: Office@DNInternational.org and we will help to get this set up for you. You can contact our office with any donation questions and we will seek to get back to you as soon as possible.
Disciple Nations International is a 501(c)(3) / non-profit corporation. All contributions are income tax deductible and are made with the understanding that Disciple Nations International has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.