Message from the President
Dear Friend,
We are so grateful for your partnership in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ! As we look to God to raise up over 1 billion Spirit-empowered Christ-followers we recognize the need for the Global Body of Christ to work in synergistic partnership in order to see this high goal fulfilled. No one ministry or organization will be able to take credit for the discipleship of the nations. We recognize that every nation, every city, every ministry, and every individual has a unique role to play in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
We look forward to partnering with you in the days ahead as together we seek for the knowledge of the glory of the Lord to cover the earth as the waters cover the seas (Habakkuk 2:14)
Partnering with you for the Fulfillment of the Great Commission,
Chris & Rebecca Vennetti
Bond Slaves of Jesus Christ
Disciple Nations International
Together Chris and Rebecca Vennetti have had the supreme privilege of traveling on behalf of the King of Kings to 20+ nations as His ambassadors. Whether it was in a pastoral role, working as video producers, missionaries, church planters, authors, speakers…they love Jesus Christ and want to pass their passion for Him on to others. They help to pioneer long-term strategic partnerships with the Global Body of Christ by seeking to disciple entire regions & nations in the will and ways of Jesus Christ.
Having authored the book, Journey into the Spirit Empowered Life, A Guide to Personal, Family and Community Transformation, along with numerous other books and booklets, Chris regularly shares about the importance of a life of intimacy with God. Chris and his wife Rebecca live with their five children in Orlando, FL.
(Contact us for more information on how you can get involved)